Topic Index
Goto Archive Index for pre-2011 articles
This index does not index every page, but groups a significant number of articles by topic.
Click on any category to expand the category and view the list of articles
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Abortion and Start of Life Issues
- The new government: abortion and euthanasia (Aug 2024)
- SPUC Report on UK complicity in China abortion policy (Feb 2024)
- March for Life UK 2023 (Nov 2023)
- A tried and tested method for legalising abortion (Nov 2023)
- The tragic death of Savita Halappanavar (Feb 2023)
- Abortion. Codswallop in the Court of Appeal? Heidi Crowter case and Down’s Syndrome (Feb 2023)
- Why do pro choice campaigners reject Abortion Pill Reversal?
- Roe vs Wade: rejoicing and a note of caution (Aug 2022)
- Are pro-choice groups really pro-choice? (Aug 2021)
- Abortion Pill Reversal (Aug 2021)
- Offering a second chance: Abortion pill reversal (May 2019)
- Is Medical Abortion Really Acceptable Medicine? (Aug 2018)
- United Nations fails to use its own logic in defence of the unborn (Feb 2018)
- Decriminalisation of Abortion (Feb 2018)
- Abortion, disability and the law (May 2017)
- The Beginning of Life: Survey of Doctors and Medical Students (Feb 2017)
- Egg Donation for Research (Aug 2016)
- Abortion and Mental Health (Aug 2016)
- Lessons from the Glasgow Midwives case (Nov 2015)
- Deep concern in rise of teenage contraception (Nov 2015)
- Own goals on abortion - Conscientious objection (Aug 2015)
- 20 Answers: Abortion - Book Review (June 2015)
- Beyond the abortion wars - Book Review (April 2015)
- Natural Family Planning - Book Review (Jan 2015)
- Honesty, Reverence and the Abortion Debate (Nov 2014)
- Debate over treatement of septic miscarriage (Nov 2013, Feb, May, August and November 2014)
- Abortions on mental health grounds 'probably illegal' (May 2014)
- Is abortion on the grounds of gender selection legal in the UK? (May 2014)
- Abortion: legalised discrimination against women (Feb 2014)
- Abortion: Woman’s Right or Body Parts Industry? (Feb 2014)
Pre-viability inductions in vital conflict cases: are
they really morally permissible? (Feb 2014)
with letters of response (May 2014) - Book Review - Recall Abortion: Ending the Abortion Industry's Exploitation of Women (Jan 2014)
- Abortion and Irish case (Nov 2013)
- Non-directive counselling: should we be concerned? (Nov 2013) + Letter (Feb 2014)
- Contraception and Natural Family Planning - several articles in Nov 2012 issue
- Cardiology and High Risk Pregnancy (Feb 2012)
- Is there a case for direct abortion - (Feb 2012)
- Induced Abortion and Mental Health - CMA response to Consultation (Nov 2011)
- Lessons from 7th Century England, St Bede & Real Presence (Aug 2023)
- Conscience, health care professionals, the World Medical Association and the General Medical Council (Nov 2022)
- Pope Francis talks to pharmacists on right to consientious objection (Feb 2022)
- Conscientious Objection and right to refuse treatments (Feb 2002)
- The World Medical Association and Euthanasia (Aug 2021)
- Conscience in Medical Ethics: The Voice of God or The Judgement of Reason (Aug 2018)
- Conscience - Lessons from history, scripture and fiction (Feb 2018)
- Conscience and Pharmacists (May 2017)
- Conscience: Pearls of Secular Wisdom (May 2017)
- Parliamentary report in Freedom of Conscience in Abortion Provision (2017)
- Conscience in Abortion Provision - Submission (Nov 2016)
- Valuing right to Conscientious Objection (Nov 2016)
- Debating conscience with the pro abortion movement (May 2016)
- Conscientious Objection - Swedish judgement (Feb 2016)
- Lessons from the Glasgow Midwives case (Nov 2015)
- Ethical Questions on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (Feb 2023)
- Brain Stem death and the case of Archie Battersbee (Aug 2022)
- Care of Dying Children and Adults. Ethics, Principles and Issues for Law Reform (Aug 2018)
- General Pharmaceutical Council Consultation on Conscientious objection (Feb 2018)
- A case against surrogacy (Feb 2018)
- What is an intrinsically evil action? (Aug 2017)
- Defending the Right of Free Speech for people with Down's Syndrome (Feb 2017)
- On Pro-Choice Catholics
- Complicity and Cooperation in Evil (Nvo 2016)
- Gender Ideology Harms Children (Aug 2016)
- Treating elderly sick deluded patient against their wishes? (Feb 2016)
- Are there Intrinsically Evil Moral Acts? (Nov 2015)
Faith at Work
- A Doctors Prayer (Aug 2024)
- Giancarlo Bertolotti - A life in favour of unborn (May 2024)
- The Gift of being a carer (Feb 2024)
- Gender in Medical Records (Aug 2023)
- Wounded Healers (Aug 2023)
- Towards a Spirituality of Healthcare (Aug 2022)
- Conscientious Objection at Work: Are medical professions 'free'? (May 2018)
- The importance of spiritual care in hospital: Taking patients to Mass (Aug 2017)
- Being and feeling spiritually safe when receiving healthcare (May 2017)
- Why I love being a carer (May 2016)
- Lessons from the Glasgow Midwives case. (Nov 2015)
- The sanctification of work: a brief reflection (Nov 2014)
- Saluting the doctors and nurses who treat Ebola (Nov 2014)
- Finding God when we are sick (May 2014)
- "Create havoc" in living out your faith (May 2014)
- Compassion in medicine (Feb 2014)
- What is conscience? (Nov 2013) + Letter (Feb 2014)
- Rebuilding lives by fistula repair (Nov 2013)
- Rape and The Morning After Pill: Yes or No? (Aug 2013)
- Is religion bad for Natural Family Planning (Nov 2012)
- 'I saw my dead husband': Appariton or Hallucination? (Aug 2012)
- Supporting parents who miscarry (May 2012)
- The iphone and adoption - what great good can come from adoption. (Feb 2012)
- What can I do about Mass when I am on duty? (Nov 2011)
- The virtue of accepting Dr Ian Jessiman FRCP. (Nov 2011)
- Our Lady, Help of the Sick by Dr Pravin Thevathasan (Nov 2011)
- Good news for nurses: right of conscientious objection is upheld by Equality Act. (Nov 2011)
- Difficult news for pharmacists: UK guidelines may strip pharmacists of conscience rights on morning after pill. (Nov 2011)
Great Medical Lives
- St Gianna Beretta Molla (Nov 2023)
- Robert E. Havard: The Medical Inkling (Feb 2019)
- Blessed Hanna Chrzanowska: 1902-1973 (Aug 2018)
- Thomas Linacre: Humanist, scholar, physician and priest (Aug 2017)
- St Gerald Majella - Patron childbirth and expectant mothers (May 2017)
- St Luke - Patron of Doctors (Feb 2017)
- St Camillus De Lellis (Nov 2016)
- St Catherine Laboure (Aug 2016)
- Sts Cosmas and Damian, Patron Saints of Pharmacists and Doctors (Feb 2016)
- St John of God (Feb 2014)
- John Kelly (Nov 2013)
- John Bradburne and the lepers (Aug 2013)
- St Francis and the Leper, Embracing our Dark Side (Feb 2013)
- Dr John Billings (Nov 2012)
- Fr Glen Fernando (Aug 2012)
- Blessed Gianna Molla (May 2012)
- St Joseph Moscati - a doctor who qualified in 1903 (Feb 2012)
- Jerome Lejeune - a doctor for all seasons. (Aug 2011)
- Can doctors be saints?- A saint, trying to please God, will do ordinary things extraordinarily well. (Nov 2011)
Marriage and Family Life
- The Trinity and the Family (Aug 2021)
- Humanae vitae - 50 years on. [Bishop John Wilson] (May 2018)
- Humanae vitae at 50 (May 2018)
- A few words about Augustine on Sex & Marriage (May 2018)
- 50 Years after Humanae vitae (Feb 2018)
- Several letters re Humanae Vitae (Nov 2017)
- Affirmation of Church's teaching on the gift of sexuality (May 2017)
- St Pope John Paul on Marriage (Feb 2017)
- Catholic Doctors address to Synod on the Family (Feb 2016)
- Medical and Franciscan thoughts on family (Nov 2015)
- How to defend marriage and family life (Nov 2015)
- The vocation of marriage from the perspective of the Catholic Church (Nov 2015)
Palliative and End of Life Care
- Pope Francis on Palliative Care (Aug 2024)
- Support for assisted suicide ebbs (Aug 2024)
- Pastoral Message on Question of Assisted Suicide (Aug 2024)
- The new government: abortion and euthanasia (Aug 2024)
- Assisted Suicide - Message from Bishop Philip Egan (May 2024)
- Brain Death: What Catholics should know (Aug 2023)
- Criticque of Terms of Reference in assisted suicide enquiry (Aug 2023)
- Towards a More Human Society - ‘NO’ to euthanasia and assisted suicide (Aug 2022)
- Advance statements and Lasting Powers of Attorney (Feb 2022)
- Jersey set to suffer as a result of assisted dying (Feb 2022)
- Assisted Suicide: The Meacher Bill is Not Assisted Dying but Euthanasia (Nov 2021)
- Legalising Assisted Suicide (Nov 2021)
- Withdrawal of Treatment: What Does Catholic Tradition Say? (Feb 2020)
- Would you refuse a dying man water? Concerns about the working of the MCA (May 2019)
- The Alfie Evans Case: How not to apply Catholic teaching on withdrawing (Feb 2019)
- The Supreme Court decision on clinically assisted nutrition and hydration (Nov 2018)
- Mainting Fluid Intake at End of Life (Feb 2017)
- Christian Burial and Cremation (Feb 2017)
- Conference report on Palliative Care (Nov 2016)
- A Graceful Death: Fr Dominic Rolls (Aug 2016)
- Ethical dilemmas for young doctors: Care of the dying (May 2016)
- Principles & Practice of Palliative Care: Response to NICE (Feb 2016)
- Reviving the Slippery Slope (Nov 2015)
- Dutch Experiences on Regulating Assisted Dying (Nov 2015)
- Fewer cases of euthanasia by proper palliative care (Nov 2015)
- Rebuilding excellent palliative care (Nov 2015)
- Defeat of Marris Bill - comment (Nov 2015)
- CONSIDER: mnemonic for care of dying (Nov 2013)
- Press Statement on Liverpool Care Pathway (July 2013)
- Why euthanasia/assisted suicide would have robbed me of the best years of my life (May 2013)
- The Dangers of Abandonment of Evidence-Based Medicine in the use of the Liverpool Care Pathway (Nov 2012)
- Care or Neglect: Underneath the LCP (Aug 2012)
- Brain stem death and Organ Transplantation (May 2012)
- Spiritual and religious needs of people with dementia (Nov 2011)
- Should I arrange for patients to receive the Sacraments (Aug 2011)
- How can I tell if the Liverpool Care pathway is right to use? (Aug 2011)
- What makes for Good Palliative Care? - (Aug 2011)
- The Liverpool debate on assisted dying - Speech by Lord Alton (Aug 2011)
- Must life always be prolonged? - Surgeon on the theology of death (May 2011)
- Prayers for the Dying
Practical Medical Ethics
- Q&A on Mental Capacity Act (Feb 2024)
- Mandatory Vaccination for Health Care Workers (Feb 2022)
- MMR Vaccines: The Ethics and the Need for an Alternative Vaccine (Aug 2019)
- The BMA & RCP Guidance on Clinically Assisted Nutrition and Hydration (Aug 2019)
- Welcoming a child after prenatal diagnosis of a serious or life-limiting condition (Nov 2018)
- Valuing right to Conscientious Objection (Nov 2016)
- Ethical dilemmas for young doctors: Care of the dying (May 2016)
- Treating elderly sick deluded patient against their wishes? (Feb 2016)
- Why say yes to marriage and no to moving-in (Aug 2015)
- Text, Cases And Materials On Medical Law and Ethics (August 2015)
- Decision Maker and Best Interest in Mental Capacity Act conflict with Church Teaching (May 2014)
- Who counts as persons? Embryos, infants and grown ups (May 2014)
- Down Syndrome: Blessings and Eugenics (Feb 2014)
- Protecting people while they are dying (Nov 2013)
- Rape and The Morning After Pill: Yes or No? (Aug 2013)
- Over-the-counter oral contraception (May 2013)
- How can I advise a woman who comes to see me asking for an abortion? (Feb 2013)
- Discussing Natural Family Planning (Nov 2012)
- Brain Death Controversy Continues (Aug 2012)
- Praying with Patients (May 2012)
- The Catholic Doctor / Nurse (Feb 2012)
- Avoiding assisting with vasectomies (Nov 2011)
- How do you avoid prescibing the 'morning after pill'. (Aug 2011)
- A case of treatment withdrawal (Aug 2011)
- A Doctors Prayer (Aug 2024)
- A Journey Through Faith (Aug 2018)
- A Prayer for when we are sick (May 2017)
- Finding God when we are sick (May 2014)
- The prayer of St Ignatius: help for the sick in making choices. (May 2013)
- Praying with Patients (May 2012)
- Report of Retreat for Healthcase workers (Feb 2012)
- Prayers for the dying