Index of Online Only Articles
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There are some articles that we will
publish online
without them appearing in the paper journal
Book Reviews
- Jesus the Divine Physician (March 2023)
- Lived Christianity (Aug 2022)
- Speaking For The Unborn (April 2022)
- The Grace of Nothingness (April 2022)
- The Art of Living: The Cardinal Virtues (March 2022)
- The Rights Of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision (Sept 2021)
- The Nature Of Human Persons: Metaphysics and Bioethics (Aug 2021)
- Torn Asunder: Children, the Myth of the Good Divorce, and the Recovery of Origins (Mar 2018)
- The Realist Guide to Religion and Science (Feb 2018)
- On Ethics, Politics and Psychology in 21st Century (Feb 2018)
- When Harry became Sally (Feb 2018)
- Love thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality (Feb 2018)
- Spirituality in Hospice Care (Jan 2018)
Book Reviews (Archive 2017)
- Trinitarian Christology of St Thomas Aquinas (Dec 2017)
- Deification of Man in Christianity (Nov 2017)
- Cheap Sex (Oct 2017)
- The Healing Imperative (Oct 2017)
- Who Are You? What Is Your Faith? (Oct 2017)
- The Christian Moral Life: Directions For The Journey To Happiness (Oct 2017)
- A Modern Sinner's Guide For The Third Millennium (Oct 2017)
- Varieties Of Virtue Ethics (Oct 2017)
- Hauntings, Possessions, And Exorcisms (Oct 2017)
- Contemporary Controversies in Bioethics (Sept 2017)
- What Counsellors and Spiritual Directors Can Learn fom Each Other (Sept 2017)
- Treating Body & Soul: Clinicians Guide (Aug 2017)
- Commentary on Aquinas' virtue ethics (Aug 2017)
- Littlest Suffering Souls (May 2017)
- Aquinas on Persuasion (May 2017)
- Art of Living, Art of Dying (April 2017)
- Justice as a virtue (March 2017)
- On Human Nature (March 2017)
- The End of Sex and Future of Human Reproduction (March 2017)
- Strangers in a Strange Land (Feb 2017)
A Catholic Approach to Understanding Evolution in The Light of Faith (Feb 2017) - Grace (Feb 2017)
- Aquinas on Moral Wrongdoing (Jan 2017)
Book Reviews (Archive 2016)
- Reading the Sermons of Thomas Aquinas (Dec 2016)
- Aquinas on Beauty (Dec 2016)
- Aquinas' Theory of Perception (Dec 2016)
- Christian Practical Wisdom (Dec 2016)
- Two Guides for the Journey: Aquinas and Langland (Dec 2016)
- In Sinu Jesu (Nov 2016)
- Making Gay OK (Nov 2016)
- The Heart & The Abyss: Preventing Abortion (Nov 2016)
- Augustine Deformed (Sept 2016)
- The Heart and the Abyss: Preventing abortion (Sept 2016)
- Culture Of Death: The Age Of "Do Harm" Medicine (Sept 2016)
- The Devil's Pleasure Palace (Aug 2016)
- Aquinas: Questions on Love and Charity (June 2016)
- Aquinas and the Theology of the Body (May 2016)
- God is no thing (May 2016)
- From Shame to Sin (May 2016)
- The Soul of the World (April 2016)
- Laying the Foundation: A Handbook of Catholic Apologetics and Fundamental Theology (Mar 2016)
- Living the Truth in Love: Pastoral Approaches to Same-Sex Attraction (Feb 2016)
- The Ethics of Pregnancy, Abortion and Childbirth (Mar 2016)
- Russel Kirk: American Conservative (Feb 2016)
- Ethical Sex (Feb 2016)
- Christians and the State: A Catholic Perspective (Jan 2016)
- Aristotle in Aquinas's Theology (Jan 2016)
- My Hospital Prayer and Activities Book (Jan 2016)
- Aquinas's Disputed Questions On Evil: A Critical Guide (Jan 2016)
- The Philosophy Of Saint Thomas Aquinas: A Sketch (Jan 2016)
- The Devil's Pleasure Palace (Jan 2016)
Book Reviews (Archive 2015)
- Aquinas' Summa Theologiae (Dec 2015)
- Bioethics and the human goods (Oct 2015)
- Gospel of Happiness (Oct 2015)
- Crisis of Modernity (Oct 2015)
- Passions and Virtue (Oct 2015)
- Capacity Contract (Oct 2015)
- Special Children, Blessed Fathers (Oct 2015)
- Religious Freedom Today (Oct 2015)
- A Theology of Marriage and the Family for the New Evangelization (Sept 2015)
- Reconceiving Infertility (Sept 2015)
- Knowing the Natural Law (Sept 2015)
- Witness to Love (Sept 2015)
- The Choice of the Family (Sept 2015)
- Trusting Doctors: The deccline of moral authority (Sept 2015)
- Moral Matters: A philosophy of homecoming (August 2015)
- Text, Cases And Materials On Medical Law and Ethics (August 2015)
- Medical Law and Ethics (August 2015)
- Ethics and the Elderly (August 2015)
- Five Anti Catholic Myths (August 2015)
- Demons, Deliverance and Discernment (June 2015)
- Disability, Providence and Ethics (June 2015)
- Conjugal Union (May 2015)
- Acedia (May 2015)
- Aquinas's philosophy of religion (May 2015)
- Aquinas on Being, Goodness and God (May 2015)
- Beyond the abortion wars (April 2015)
- Defending Marriage (April 2015)
- Searching for a Universal Ethic (April 2015)
- Introduction to Catholic Ethics (April 2015)
- Happiness and virtue ethics in business (March 2015)
- Integrity Restored (March 2015)
- Ethics as a work of charity (March 2015)
- Sedation at the end of life (March 2015)
- Natural Family Planning (Jan 2015)
Book Reviews (Archive - before 2015)
- Joy to the World (Dec 2014)
- When Divorce is not an Option (Dec 2014)
- The Oxford Handbook of Aquinas (Nov 2014)
- “DOCTOR! DOCTOR! Tell it like it is” (Nov 2014)
- Catholicism and Mental Health (Aug 2014)
- Thomas Aquinas's Summa theologiae (Aug 2014)
- Contraception and Persecution (June 2014)
- Two books on natural law (May 2014)
- Recall Abortion (Jan 2014)
- Religion and AIDS in Africa (Oct 2013)
- True or False Possession (Oct 2013)
- A Defence of Dignity (Sept 2013)
- Chimera's Children (Sept 2013)
- Ethics at the Beginning of Life (Sept 2013)
- Escaping the train from Auschwitz, Catholics and the Holocaust (Aug 2013)
- Sex and the Marriage Covenant:A Basis For Morality (June 2013)
- Mental Disorders and Spiritual Healing (May 2013)
- Epistemic Authority: A theory of trust, authority and autonomy in belief (March 2013)
- Oxford Textbook of Spirituality in Healthcare (Feb 2013)
- The Catholic Guide to Depression (Jan 2013)
- Homosexuality and following Jesus (Jan 2013)
- Church, State & Society: Introduction to Catholic Social Teaching (Jan 2013)
- Summa Philosophica (Jan 2013)
- The Poet As Believer: A Theological Study of Paul Claudel (Dec 2012)
- Hippocrates is not dead: an anthology of Hippocratic readings (Dec 2012)
- Bioethics: An Introduction (Nov 2012)
- One Body: Essay in Christian Sexual Ethics (Nov 2012)
- Poems of Love and Death (Nov 2012)
- Medical Ethics: Sources of Catholic Teachings (Nov 2012)
- The Law & Ethics of Medicine. Essays on the Inviolability of Life (Nov 2012)
- Lost in Wonder: Essays on the Liturgy and Art (Oct 2012)
- Thieves of Virtue: when bioethics stole medicine (Oct 2012)
- Theology of Resuscitation (Oct 2012)
- Peter Singer and Christian Ethics: Beyond Polarisation (Oct 2012)
- Bioethics and Disability (Oct 2012)
- Therapy or Theology (Aug 2012)
- Human Dignity in Bioethics and Law (Aug 2012)
- Debating Euthanasia (May 2012)
- A Personal Matter (May 2012)
- The Catholic Church and the Global AIDS Crisis (Nov 2011)
- The Catholic Church and the Sex Abuse Crisis (Nov 2011)
- A Time To Live: The Case Against Euthanasia And Assisted Suicide (Aug 2011)
- Fertility & Gender: Issues in Reproductive and Sexual Ethics (Aug 2011)
Comment on Church News
- Comment: On Papal Interviews (Feb 2016)
- Comment: The Secret Letters of Pope John Paul II (Feb 2016)
Other articles
- The Wisdom of Old Age (Aug 2017)
- The crisis of declining fertility - Full version (April 2003)
- The Thomas More Legal Centre - the First Five Years (Jan 2013)