Subscribe to RSS
Why subscribe to our RSS feed?
Are you keen to know when new articles are published on our website, without having to keep checking the website yourself?
If Yes - then RSS is the perfect solution. As new articles are uploaded to the website we will post a summary of the articles to our RSS feed, and your computer will check the feed and let you know when new articles are uploaded.
We do not collect any information about the subscriber, it is your computer which checks the feed for new updates
How to Use RSS
Get an RSS Reader – The first thing you’ll want to do if you’re getting into reading sites via RSS is to hook yourself up with an RSS Feed Reader. There are many feed readers going around with a variety of approaches and features – however a good place to start is with a free and easy to use web based one like Google Reader. If you use Microsoft Outlook, that can also act as an RSS Reader.
The best way to learn how to use Google Reader (or other reader) is to simply subscribe to some feeds and give it a go. Both have helpful help sections to get you up and running.