About us
CMQ is an open access medical journal set up to discuss key issues in medicine as they relate to and support doctors, nurses and other health care professionals in their practice. It is the journal of the Catholic Medical Association (UK).
Views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CMQ editor or those of the CMA(UK).
The CMQ was originally published in 1947 as the Catholic Medical Gazette.
Submitting articles to the CMQ
- We welcome articles on all aspects of Catholic Health Care.
- Articles will be subject to editorial review and may be reviewed by external peer reviewers.
- Where articles discuss matters of faith, peer review may not be by medical or other Health Practitioners.
- Articles should generally be between 400 and 1600 words.
- References should be in the Vancouver Style.
- Articles should be submitted to the editor electronically.
- Articles should be submitted to the editor electronically at:
Where articles discuss matters of faith, peer review may not be by medical or other Health Practitioners.
The Editor
Dr Pravin Thevathasan, MB BS, MRCPsych, MSc, MA (Medical Ethics and Law)
The Editorial Board
Dr Bruno Bubna-Kastelitz MB, FRCP
Dr Anthony Cole, FRCP,
Dr Robert Hardie OFS, MBBS, FRCS
Mr Andrew
Plasom-Scott MA (Oxon)