Catholic Medical Quarterly Volume 74(3) Aug 2024

Submitting articles to the CMQCMQ Cover


The new government; abortion and euthanasia
Dr Adrian Treloar

Reflections on the Synod on Synodality
Dr Pravin Thevathasan

On same sex blessings
Rachel’s Vineyard
The Rise of the populist movement

Pastoral message on the Question of Assisted Suicide
John Wilson, Archbishop of Southwark

A Doctors Prayer

A physician’s prayer


Support for Assisted Suicide ebbs away in Scotland
Anscombe Bioethics Centre

Pope Francis on Palliative Care

A medical student at World Youth Day

From the CMA, Monthly Newsletter May 2024


100 years of Euthanasia in the CMQ
Dr Adrian Treloar

The effects of Hormone-Based Contraceptives on development of Autism Spectrum Disorder in offspring.


“Soul searching” - Catholic teaching on the human embryo, and its medical consequences
James Mc Tavish

ACT: A Framework for Healthcare Chaplains responding to Patients who experience Intrusive Worry and Anxiety
Rev Mr Paul Green

Formation of human monkey chimeras subjects human embryonic development to animal control is unethical and should be banned
Rev Professor P Pullicino and WJ Burke


Letter to the people of Jersey re assisted suicide

Letter from Antony Porter


Pope reminds plastic surgeons that true beauty reflects the image of God

“Digitas Infinita”
Canon John O’Leary chaired

Book Reviews

Jesus the Divine Physician
By James Mc Tavish

The CMA has produced its own journal every 3 months for the last 100 years since January 1923. The editorial team are always open to receiving new articles to include. If you enjoy writing and feel inspired to write an article for the journal, please contact the Editorial team to express an interest and we can provide you with further information:
Further information together with the team's additional contact details can be found via the following link: