Catholic Medical Quarterly Volume 74(3) Aug 2024


Formation of human monkey chimeras subjects human embryonic development to animal control is unethical and should be banned.

Rev Professor P Pullicino and WJ Burke

Rev Professor PullicinoA recent news report in the Independent Newspaper announces “the first human-monkey hybrid”. “Chimera” research involves injecting stem cells of one animal species into the early developing embryo (blastocyst) of another animal to produce an animal that incorporates cells of another species, has been pursued for many years (figure). Chimera research using human stem cells has recently been given a stimulus because of the need for more transplant organs. It is hoped that incorporating human cells into an animal will allow an organ (such as a heart) from the adult animal (such as a pig) to be transplanted into a human without generating a rejection response in the human that up to now has made this impossible. The ethical concern about using human embryonic stem cells has been set aside because pluripotent stem cells can now be formed from human skin cells without the need for using embryos using so called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs).

Pullicino et al [1] have however shown that these iPSCs are the moral and ontological equivalent of an embryo and so use of these is no different from using embryonic stem cells. In addition this group has also reaffirmed that chimera formation by combining human and other animal cells is unethical as it is is capable of disrupting the specific identity of man and is an assault on human dignity [2].

Diagram showing processThe use of human iPS cells represents a significant worsening of the ethics of chimera research. Human-monkey chimera research has been going on for several years including in a laboratory in Spain as this article points out. What is different about this Chinese laboratory is unclear, only that it is possible that these chimeras are being allowed to survive beyond the Western ethical limit of 14 days. The John Paul II Academy for Life and the Family ( JAHLF) reaffirm here that this research is totally unacceptable even given the stated aim of producing transplantable organs and that all chimera research using human pluripotent cells should be banned.


  1. Pullicino, Patrick, Edward J. Richard, William J. Burke. 2020. “Production of Human “Embryoid” Cells from Developmentally Frozen Embryos: Is It Ethical?” Linacre Quarterly 87:347-350.
  2. Pullicino, Patrick, Edward J. Richard, William J. Burke. 2023. Human–Animal Chimera Formation for Organ Transplantation: Subjugating Human Embryonic Development to Animal Control. Linacre Quarterly 90:112-115.