Catholic Medical Quarterly Volume 74(2) May 2024

Faith in Medicine

Giancarlo Bertolotti, Servant of God - A whole life spent in favour of the Unborn

Dr Giancarlo BertolottiOn Saturday 5 November 2005, Dr. Giancarlo Bertolotti of the obstetric clinic of the Policlinico San Matteo in Pavia died in Pavia after a road accident. Six years after his death, the Diocese of Lodi, having received a favourable opinion expressed collegially on 7 February 2012 from the Lombard Episcopal Conference and on 23 October 2012 (Prot.N.3010-1/12) the Nulla Osta from the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, decided to begin the canonical Process of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God, noting the existence of the robust reputation for sanctity.

On November I, 2012, the edict was published which made official the beginning of the beatification and canonization process for this man, who since then can be called "Servant of God" and who made "love beautiful", as John Paul II called it his only goal.

He was totally devoted to his medical profession. During his time working at the hospital he dealt with numerous situations, many of which related to the abortion law 194. There were many requests for abortions, but thanks to his conscientious objection and his continuous positive intervention, these situations often resulted in the decision to give birth to the baby. Giancarlo was a poor amongst the poor and friend of the poor (he had many poor friends in many parishes), and he had particular loyalty to the Unborn. More than one thousand babies escaped death from abortion and thanks to the virtue of his charity he was able to make women gradually discover the beauty of becoming mothers. This was because he also had the charisma to understand the profound beauty of femininity. In a mystical and beautiful sense he "fell in love" with all women. For this reason he, single and chaste as he was, could understand the great beauty of sexuality much more than many other ‘experienced' men. He actually carried out some high level scientific studies on this matter.

Giancarlo has been also very active in NFP Natural Family planning). In particular at inter- national level: In 1974 he was among the promoters and founders of FIDAF/IFFLP (Federation lntematioral D'Action Familiale / International Federation for Family Life Promotion) in Wash-ington and he actively participated in all major World and European Congresses of FIDAF/lFFLP and IEEF/EIFLE 3IFLE (Institut Europeen d'Education Familiale / European Institute for Family Life Education). In Italy he was amongst the major supporters of Camen (Centro Ambrosiano Metodi Naturali) since its foundation in 1978. Many of the founding fathers of NFP had the privilege to know Giancarlo personally and to cooperate with him.

The story of his life is written in a book (Una vita per la vita -Il ginecologo Giancarlo Bertolotti). The author A. Comini reports the experiences of his youth and the conflict he had between dedicating his life to religious priesthood or to a secular profession. This book reveals a man with a remarkable personality, great soul, and humanitarian spirit dedicated to the Unborn. Dr Giancarlo Bertolotti passed away at 65 in Sant'Angelo Lodigiano as a result of a road accident while he was driving to the hospital to go on duty at theObstetrica Cljnic of the Policlinico San Matteo in Pavia.

At his funeral, the director of the department in which he was working, who often had opposed Giancarlo for his activity in favour of life, often bursting into tears, gave an unforgettable funeral oration. A short time after his death, all the medical doctors serving in the clinic, decided to become conscientious objectors and they no longer performed abortions.

For further information, contact the Giancarlo Bertolotti Association at the following email address: