Catholic Medical Quarterly Volume 74(4) Nov 2024

Book Review

The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health

by Francis Etheredge
En Route Books & Media
Reviewed by Dr Pravin Thevathasan

Book CoverThe Catholic bioethicist Francis Etheredge has written a very interesting series of reflections in prose, prayer, and even poetry while on pilgrimage. As so frequently found in his work, it is Marian. It is also deeply personal, as one might expect in a book about a pilgrimage. It is about God's unswerving love for us and his desire to heal us in our brokenness.

On the specific issue of youth and mental health, I think the author is making a valid point. I have no doubt that there are young people in need of mental health services. But, as the author points out, so much mental ill health among young people can be brought about by the social media and the pursuit to look "perfect." The consequences of "body shaming" and repeated cosmetic surgery include mental ill health.

The author reminds doctors that they are called to "do no harm" They are called to treat the whole person. Above all, I agree that faith is so important when healing people with mental affliction. The challenge is: how can we do this sensitively in a post-Christian world?

We are introduce to some wonderful saints: St Ignatius, St Francis Xavier, St Edith Stein and St James the Great.

As we recall the slaughter of so many innocent human beings, we also reflect on the tragedy of abortion. A book about youth requires some discussion about gender confusion and the author does so with sensitivity.

I found this book to be a helpful series of reflections on the deep things of life.