Catholic Medical Quarterly Volume 66(1) February 2016

The Gift of Down's Syndrome.
Might the Stable Birth have been averted?

Some years ago in a little school in a small town, the local primary school was having its annual Nativity play. One of the children taking part in the play was Danny, a boy who had Down's syndrome. Danny was a year or two older than his classmates as he was progressing rather more slowly through school than others of his age; he was, therefore, rather taller and bigger which made him ideal for the part of the Innkeeper.

DannyHe had faithfully learned his words, "Be off with you, we're full. There's no room at the Inn!" Now, the moment had come and he said them loudly, holding on to the inn door.

Joseph and Mary walked away wearily, their shoulders bent in disappointment. Danny watched them uneasily for a moment as they walked away.

Then, he did something which some people said ruined the play; others said it made them understand what the message of Christmas really meant.

"Wait a minute" he called. "Come back! I've had an idea.. you can have my room... if you like."

What do you think? Did Danny ruin the Christmas play?

Is our world a better place because we spend thousands of pounds every year trying to get rid of undesirable babies like Danny?